LeBron has just finished his junior year and is still continuing his summer league AAU The Shooting Stars. At the start of the summer The King was having a successful summer then out of nowhere during a summer tournament, LeBron James suffers from a break in his arm and forced to sit on the bench. Although his injury forces him to miss the football season, another sport LeBron was successful at, it reminded him of how careful he needed to be while playing. As his senior year starts back up, he trains harder and harder for basketball while in the mean time his arm heals. His high school team now starts to play nationally ranked high schools and LeBron and his team are on a quest to be the #1 ranked high school in the nation. LeBron leads his team and rolls through competition in the state tournament winning the state title and gain the title of #1 best high school basketball team in the U.S. He then contends in summer All-Star competitions and camps. Also, the whole nation knows LeBron will soon enlist in the NBA 2003 Draft as soon as he is eligible to do so.